Scholar, Author,
Speaker, Consultant,
Problem Solver, and
Crime Fighter
Dr. John G. Stackhouse, Jr.
Crime Fighter John Stackhouse is neither saint nor superman and he has considerable sympathy for anyone else who struggles, as he does, to be both good and effective. He insists, however, on calling things by their proper names—whether they be excellence, virtue, and success or mediocrity, foolishness, and failure. Individuals and organizations who long for both realism and hope in their mission will find Dr. Stackhouse to be an encouraging partner in assessing what’s wrong and then putting things right.
Problem Solver How can we think better about what we’re doing? Not content to float abstractions from the ivory tower, John Stackhouse will roll up his sleeves to get into your situation, help you see it better, understand what caused it, and devise practical and immediate improvements. Having studied organizations and leaders in Canada and the United States, he has evidence-based counsel to offer anyone who wants tomorrow to be significantly better than today.
Consultant Professor Stackhouse has given expert advice to lawyers in several North American jurisdictions; testimony to the British Columbia Supreme Court, Manitoba Human Rights Commission and the Canada Revenue Agency; confidential counsel to leaders of major congregations, charitable agencies, camps, and professional societies; and personal coaching to CEOs, physicians, industry leaders, pastors, lawyers, and politicians. His commentary has been featured by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, The Australian, national TV in North America and Australia, and many other media.
Speaker Always in search of the simplest, clearest, and most vivid way to express a challenging idea, John Stackhouse engages audiences who enjoy a combination of scholarly research, striking storytelling, and unexpected humour. That’s why such a wide range of crowds have hosted him, from major teachers’ conferences to professionals on retreat, and from university scholars in China to cruise ship guests on the Mediterranean. Watch past talks or interviews on YouTube here.
Author Dr. Stackhouse has written or co-written more than a dozen books and has edited a handful more—seven (so far) with the Oxford University Press. He has published dozens of academic research papers and book chapters, and hundreds of op-eds and columns in major newspapers, magazines, and websites in Canada, the United States, and Australia. His work has been reviewed or quoted in media as diverse as The Atlantic, The Times Literary Supplement, CBC national radio, and Publisher’s Weekly. And for many years he wrote the back-page column for Faith Today magazine. Follow and check out his books on Good Reads here.
Scholar John Stackhouse knows scholarship and he embraces its demands. He finished high school at 15, earned his Ph.D. in one of the world’s most challenging programs at 27, and was promoted to the rank of (full) Professor 10 years later. He has received more than a dozen research grants and has lectured at major universities on several continents. Public intellectuals offer opinions. Public scholars, like Dr. Stackhouse, offer research. (Check the footnotes.)