What Does it Mean to Be Saved?
Broadening Evangelical Horizons of Salvation
John G. Stackhouse, Jr.
Paperback, Hardcover
Since the birth of evangelicalism in the eighteenth century, it has defined itself as a movement keenly interested in salvation. What, however, has the evangelical understanding of salvation been? What is it today? What should it be?
What Does It Mean to Be Saved? marshals leading evangelical scholars to probe these questions with the goal of encouraging a more holistic understanding of salvation. Each chapter introduces a distinctive point of view on an aspect of redemption. Issues addressed in the volume include individual and corporate salvation, salvation with regard to women, the poor, the oppressed, and the natural world.
Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., President, Calvin Theological Seminary
"A dozen first-class essayist show us 'how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ' and they do so to wonderful effect. Here, at last, salvation is much bigger than we are. "
Clark H. Pinnock, emeritus, McMaster Divinity College
"The essays in this volume helpfully suggest a broadening horizon of evangelical doctrines of salvation. This book will help us not trivialize the topic in merely private terms, without a holistic vision, but to give more attention to this-worldly consequences."