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  • Writer's pictureJohn Stackhouse

What's Mattered Most?

Christianity Today magazine is producing the customary year-end and decade-end roundups of news. Among their features is a polling of various evangelical observers and leaders on what has been the most important change in Christianity in the past decade.

They asked me, too, and you can read the responses here. Just two additional notes:

1. I’m pretty sure they asked me about American Christianity, not global Christianity. Otherwise I, too, would have been drawn toward the Big Words such as “Pentecostalism,” “Islam,” “Africa,” and “China.”

2. As if to validate the last claim I make in the feature, I think I’m the only theologian they quote…!

What do you think was the most important development in Christianity (local, national, global) in the last decade?

Happy New Year, everyone: And may the news this year be better.

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