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  • Writer's pictureJohn Stackhouse

Did God Choose President Trump?

ICYMI on my blog for “Context with Lorna Dueck”:

The inauguration of President Donald Trump was replete with prayers, scripture readings, exhortations, and benedictions by clergy from various Christian denominations and other religions besides. But the question remains:

Did God ordain the Trump Administration?

Religious News Service interviewed theologians of differing theological and political stripes. Not surprisingly, some said yes and some said no. But the conversation would have been improved if they had recognized a more complex idea of Providence.

At the highest level is God’s overall responsibility for creating and sustaining the world as it is. Since God could have created a different world, and since God could terminate this one in a moment, it can fairly be said that nothing happens that God does not allow.

So is God responsible for the election of Donald Trump? In this important sense that God made the world in such a way that such a thing could happen, then yes.

But that’s not the level at which most people seem to want to address the issue.

To read the rest of this post, click HERE


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