John Stackhouse
5 min read
Civil Disobedience for Christians
Even the movements under Gandhi and King provoked tremendous violence and highly ambiguous outcomes

John Stackhouse
8 min read
As the Pandemic Continues…
With the omicron variant stirring things up in new ways, we face the discouraging prospect of moving back into more restrictions as Year...

John Stackhouse
5 min read
3 Geniuses on Vacation
George Steiner, the literary critic, Wynton Marsalis, the celebrated trumpeter, and Doug Gilmour, the Hall-of-Fame hockey player, walk...

John Stackhouse
4 min read
Due Process Is Boring . . . until Things Start Blowing Up
I once had a ruthless boss try to do me in… and due process, properly followed, rescued me. I was up for promotion from the rank of...
John Stackhouse
2 min read
GEEZ, am I a "liberal evangelical"?
GEEZ magazine has recently offered what they call a typology of contemporary evangelicalism. We pedants would prefer the term...