John Stackhouse
- 2 min
When Theological Disputation Is Too Much…
Observation: If you hear the first nine, it doesn’t matter about the tenth.
The conversation is already over.
Only politics remains.
John Stackhouse
- 2 min
Franklin Graham, John MacArthur, and Church-and-State
A few friends have seen this post on Facebook and asked me to re-post it here to make it easier for them to share. Franklin Graham...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Scaring kids—about the right things
“Attention, everyone. Code red. Code red. The school is now in lockdown. The school is now in lockdown. Students, follow the directions...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Troubled in Toronto?
Did the Middle Ages just appear on the streets of Toronto? Last week, Muslims around the world observed the day (“Yom”) of Ashura, the...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Advice for Students in Unsafe Places
“But, Professor, I learned in church that God wrote the Ten Commandments himself on stone tablets and gave them to Moses. Isn’t that what...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Due Process Is Boring . . . until Things Start Blowing Up
I once had a ruthless boss try to do me in… and due process, properly followed, rescued me. I was up for promotion from the rank of...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Are Christians in Exile? Not Yet
The end of the school year nears. The disastrous decision by the Prime Minister to attach the Canada Summer Jobs program to his personal...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
It’s Time for the Prime Minister to Govern
The Prime Minister is no longer young. Youthful, yes, with his mother’s good looks and a photogenic family, but Justin Pierre James...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Did God Choose President Trump?
The inauguration of President Donald Trump was replete with prayers, scripture readings, exhortations, and benedictions by clergy from...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Liberals Acting Illiberally
The Liberal government of Canada recently announced new terms for the Canada Summer Jobs program (CSJ), and they are alarming. Along with...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Why It’s Not Just Nominal Evangelicals Supporting Donald Trump
(Religion News Service) — Since Donald Trump became president, many of us have wondered: Why would reasonable, mainstream evangelicals...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
The Governor-General and Good Government
The furore continues over Governor-General Julie Payette’s attempt to solve several outstanding problems in one speech. She’s only one...
John Stackhouse
- 1 min
Faith, Foolishness, and Fanaticism
Last week I chided the CBC’s Neil Macdonald for his outburst against people of faith whom he clearly would prefer to keep out of sight in...
John Stackhouse
- 2 min
Taking a Break from Trump
Yes, yes, I know. It’s horrible, but one can’t look away. The slow-motion car wreck that, for many of us, is the U.S. presidency...
John Stackhouse
- 1 min
The Royal Family and the Choice between Duty and Love
“And so Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, faced with the choice between duty and love, bravely chooses duty.” Or so went one report...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
The Ghost of Jerry Falwell Haunts the GOP Still
The following post was prompted by the recent Pew poll that found churchgoing white evangelicals (otherwise not defined) as supporting...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
The Subversiveness of Easter
What in the world is Easter about? It makes no sense to celebrate the gruesome death of a minor country preacher, making a virtue, as...