John Stackhouse
- 6 min
The Meaning of Life? Why Should I Care?
Two emails this week, both from Australia, raise questions about doubt, belief, and the Big Questions. Indeed, their questions come at...
John Stackhouse
- 8 min
As the Pandemic Continues…
With the omicron variant stirring things up in new ways, we face the discouraging prospect of moving back into more restrictions as Year...
John Stackhouse
- 11 min
The Seven Deadly Signs
Ministries that Think They Can Do No Financial Wrong Are Deceiving Themselves I published this article twenty years ago. I regret to say...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
It’s Time to Play “Political Catchphrase Bingo”!
Ah, you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
It’s Such a Big, Needy World: What Can I Do?
This week we confront the appalling suffering of the Rohingya people at the hands of their fierce former neighbours in Myanmar/Burma....
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Beware the Quiet Call of Corruption
[This was originally posted in March 2019] In the Biblical book of Proverbs, two odd sayings, almost identical, appear just a few verses...
John Stackhouse
- 2 min
Climate Change? Well, for Starters…
A friend of mine, who has recently taken a job on behalf of a political party on the left side of Canada’s political spectrum, asked me...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
How are we doing?
“Not too bad.” That’s the common reply on the prairies to a friendly “How are you?” It’s also common out here in my new home in the...
John Stackhouse
- 2 min
Digging Out
There are two tragedies in life, to paraphrase the famous line from George Bernard Shaw’s Man and Superman. One is to fail to gain your...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Are You Checking All the Ingredients?
I once enjoyed a fabulous vacation in France. It was our 25th wedding anniversary and we had saved carefully for three glorious weeks in...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Why Are Social Media So…Disappointing?
Many posts in social media are cries not just for attention, but for sympathy—literally, for “feeling with.” I have had this good/bad...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
If Sorrow Is Stalking You
Sometimes God presses us right up against the wall of what we can endure. And sometimes God smashes us right through it. I sat down with...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Paige Patterson, Donald Trump, and Theological Malpractice
As Christian leaders have defended Southern Baptist leader Paige Patterson over this past couple of months and President Donald Trump...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Does Your Board Know Its Business?
As the controversy continues surrounding Willow Creek Community Church’s pastor Bill Hybels, its Board of Elders has offered a public...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Are Christians in Exile? Not Yet
The end of the school year nears. The disastrous decision by the Prime Minister to attach the Canada Summer Jobs program to his personal...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
Deciding on College? Why It’s Harder to Do than Ever
It’s that time of year again. Students are receiving acceptance/denial letters, making last-minute visits to campuses, weighing up...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Canadian Christians’ Trumpian Moment
“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Who Is Ready?
Last week I preached at the funeral of Evelyn Bodner, 19-year-old daughter of good friends in Moncton, New Brunswick. With the family’s...
John Stackhouse
- 4 min
When You Invite a Visiting Speaker…
Since most people who invite speakers (and the same goes for musicians, I daresay) are not themselves professional speakers, and...
John Stackhouse
- 3 min
Pray First, Criticize Second
In the target-rich environment that is the Trump Presidency, and as the honeymoon with our charming Prime Minister fades, it is easy to...