John Stackhouse
4 min
On Honoraria for Pastors in Weddings
Today, two e-mails on exactly the same issue from two pastors in the United States, one from the Midwest and one from Texas: Pastor #1:...
John Stackhouse
2 min
Some Early Thoughts on the Pope’s Resignation
• As Cardinal Ratzinger, this pope had intimate knowledge of the declining years of John Paul II, even commenting at least once that that...
John Stackhouse
3 min
“Pussy Riot” and Churchly Hypocrisy
I’ve been tweeting occasionally in disgust over the way the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church has been responding to the “Pussy...
John Stackhouse
2 min
Stop the Presses: John Piper Thinks Christianity Is Masculine
If you’re connected with the great big family known as American evangelicalism, you might have heard of pastor and author John Piper’s...
John Stackhouse
3 min
Who You Gonna Call?
The following is my latest contribution to the “Ask John” feature of Wondering Fair, a blog led by Regent College graduates around the...
John Stackhouse
2 min
Defining God
In a lovely note from someone in a recent audience of mine, two questions were raised. I thought you might like to read how I...
John Stackhouse
1 min
Where Does the World Need Me?
The Cardus Centre for Cultural Renewal does lots of good things, including publishing–electronically and online–sharp-edged articles that...
John Stackhouse
6 min
Time to Give Mark Driscoll a Sabbatical?
There’s a lot to like about what Mark Driscoll has done in his pastoral work at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Sadly, however, there’s a...
John Stackhouse
1 min
While I'm Awake…
Martin E. Marty, the Fairfax M. Cone Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of the History of Modern Christianity at the Divinity...
John Stackhouse
1 min
Why I Criticize Other Christians–and Why You Should, Too!
Okay, I’m kidding about the second part–but not much. Here’s a link to my most recent column in Faith Today that explains a few things....
John Stackhouse
1 min
New Research on Canadian Evangelicalism
I’m on vacation for one more week and will post some new stuff after that. In the meanwhile, however, here is a link to several excellent...
John Stackhouse
5 min
What Is a Church?
Here’s a recent e-mail: I came across an old web blog of yours that talks about parachurches (or as you call them paracongregationals). ...
John Stackhouse
1 min
Why Pay Someone Just to Make Art?
Two people stand before two canvases. Both are painting. One deserves to be paid, the other doesn’t. Why? This article is a particularly...
John Stackhouse
2 min
Not Right Now, Please: I'm . . .
A friend of mine recently sent me an e-mail as he was preparing a speech: “If you had to choose one issue that we Christians face as we...
John Stackhouse
1 min
Oh, Boy, Is This Clip Right on Target…
BOOM goes the typical “cool” church service: check it out here. (Is nothing sacred? Not even edgy, contemporvant [sic] church services?)...
John Stackhouse
2 min
"Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner"? We're Not Ready for That
I’m now completing a quarter-century of journalism, having started writing for Christianity Today magazine, the late, lamented TSF...
John Stackhouse
1 min
From Visitor to Participant: What Can We Do?
This is a post for churchpeople, so I recognize not every regular reader of this blog will care about the following discussion. You’ve...
John Stackhouse
2 min
A Trial Begins
Monday morning, May 25, a trial begins that will make history in Canada with reverberations for the worldwide Anglican Communion. Four...